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Hello! Call me Nasriah. My blog will consist mostly of my daily life. I ocassionally post other things too. You are not obligated like to me. Soon to be 18. Do pray for my excellence in SPM peeps! Good result, InsyaAllah. Ameen. Enjoy my blog!


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Miichiko. Thanks to Pixel-diary for the cute pixels and icons.

Wednesday 25 December 2013 | 0 comments

6 days left.......... i will go to university horeey. ^O^ happy ? nervous ? scared ? excited ? hahah mix feelings to be honest nervous is leading the feelings heheh i hope i get best roomates classmates and bestfriends. really hope that. just 4 months okay pejam celik pejam celik tahu2 dah habis. oh and 1 more thing. my result spm out on 21 MARCH 2014.  suddenly i felt nervous. ya Allah please help me. :'( i really need a good result. this is spm. i don't want to make my parents sad. please ya Allah i'm begging you. hope the teachers who mark my paper will marking with compassionate. jaebbal! .

please pray for me. may Allah ease everything. my result and also registration day. Amin